Climate and environment



  • Rindabotn - Kyrre Groven

    The future of the Hodlekve ski area is on the agenda and through a new, European research project led by Vestlandsforsking, researchers will study how Sogndal municipality invites people to take part in the process. "The project is about working with nature-based solutions in a way that allows more people to have their voices heard. We will also develop a method that can handle conflicts of interest in a constructive way", says project manager Irmelin Gram-Hanssen.

  • Joaquin i snøen

    A sus quince años vivió La Guerra del Agua en su ciudad natal Cochabamba, Bolivia. Ese fue el comienzo de su compromiso y dedicación por la justicia socioambiental.

  • Ung mann med mygg/mikrofon står framfor eit lerret med grafar og kart på

    A new service called Norwegian Climate Monitor was launched on 13 December 2021 in Sogndal. The purpose of the initiative is to collect and share new data on climate change adaptation from all parts of society. "This is an important contribution to Norwegian society" says Carlo Aall, the Head of Noradapt. "Bot research and governance are impatient to learn how far climate adaptation measures have come. Unfortunately, our data show that the pace remains too slow", says Aall.

  • Kvinne i grå genser og rosa skjerf talar til forsamling

    Noradapt, a national research centre on climate change adaptation led by WNRI, etablished an international Scientific Advisory Board this month. The board includes five international top scientists in the field of climate change adaptation. The board is led by Sirkku Juhola, Professor of Urban Environmental Policy at the University of Helsinki.

  • Portrett av mann med skjorte og briller ute

    The IPCC recently reported that the extreme weather we expected to see in future years is already a fact and that things are going to get worse. "It is time to realise that we will not be able to reduce emissions through technology and move on to plan B", says climate researcher and Professor Carlo Aall at Western Norway Research Institute.

  • Mann framfor lerret med nærbilde av ei hand som held ein iPhone med stor skjerm.

    At stadig fleire av oss brukar smarttelefonar til stadig meir, er dårleg nytt både for klima og miljø. Og kanskje på måtar som vil overraske deg, skriv Idun A. Husabø i denne populærvitskaplege artikkelen, som òg er publisert på