Launched Norwegian Climate Monitor
A new service called Norwegian Climate Monitor was launched on 13 December 2021 in Sogndal. The purpose of the initiative is to collect and share new data on climate change adaptation from all parts of society. "This is an important contribution to Norwegian society" says Carlo Aall, the Head of Noradapt. "Bot research and governance are impatient to learn how far climate adaptation measures have come. Unfortunately, our data show that the pace remains too slow", says Aall.
"Measuring how well society is adapting to climate change is very difficult, in contrast to measuring greenhouse gas emissions", says Torbjørn Selseng, a young researcher at Western Norway Research Institute who is currently in charge of the new service. The effects of climate change being unpredictable, he adds, means that it is hard to identify where the need for adaptive measures is the greatest.
The purpose of the new service is to provide stakeholders with more insight into what is being done in this realm, and by whom. In time, Selseng hopes, the service will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the current situation in climate change adaptation in Norway.
"While some parts of society have been thoroughly examined, others remain in the dark - especially the business sector and private households", the researcher says.
Free use
All data shared at can be used freely. The service is funded by The Norwegian Research Centre on Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation (Noradapt), established in 2018 and coordinated by WNRI in Sogndal on behalf of a partnership of eight research institutions across Norway.