News archive

  • Joaquin i snøen

    A sus quince años vivió La Guerra del Agua en su ciudad natal Cochabamba, Bolivia. Ese fue el comienzo de su compromiso y dedicación por la justicia socioambiental.

  • kvinner utandørs

    Can a couple of nights in a tent and around the campfire make a difference for people who are in a difficult life situation, struggling to cope with everyday life, or feeling lonely? A Polish organization is testing out Norwegian-inspired outdoor activities as a form of group therapy. They draw on insight from Vestlandsforsking about the Norwegian outdoor tradition, commonly referred to as 'friluftsliv'.

  • Modellbilde av ViteMeir

    Vestlandforsking has assembled a working group of researchers who will contribute to the development of subject content at the new science center ViteMeir at Kaupanger.
    - The researchers here work on many topics that are both highly relevant and suitable for installations and practical experiences with ViteMeir, says Anders-Johan Almås, CEO.

  • Fem personer samtaler rundt et bord

    When the world-leading energy researcher Professor Benjamin Sovacool was appointed by Western Research, according to the research leader, it was as great as if Sogndal football had signed Ronaldo. This week saw the younger researchers in particular benefit from Sovacool's unique experience as a writer and publisher. They are very satisfied.

  • Konferansedeltakarar ser på skjerm

    175 schoolchildren from all over the county received many answers when IT-forum invited a conference in Loen on November 12-13. Can a good digital study technique eliminate or marginalize different learning difficulties? How can technology increase inclusion? How can a physical adventure game combining elements from the computer game world and the reality offer both an educational and exciting experience?

  • Unchain map partners

    A new method makes it easier to analyze climate risk together with people from the local communities and to find measures that can reduce the risk. Western Norway Research Institute will lead an EU project where local knowledge and residents are also invited to participate in the analysis work.

  • Axis

    The UNCHAIN project was presented at a start-up meeting for all projects which have received funding from the latest ERANET AXIS call.

  • Menneske saman i konferanserom

    Climate change makes it more difficult to grow food in large parts of the world, forcing farmers to adapt to new weather patterns. This is a common case for the Development Fund and Noradapt, as a recent meeting test with Vestlandsforsking to become better acquainted and consider future cooperation.

  • Stefan Gøssling

    While phrases like "shame of flight" are spreading among most people in Scandinavia, new research shows that a growing global elite flight many thousands more times than average. Professor Stefan Gössling has collected travel data from ten of the biggest celebrities on his social media and calculated climate impacts.

  • Gruppe bokbytur

    The Norwegian Book Town in Fjærland has the potential to become an international destination in the future, say the researchers at Western Norway Research Institute. In August, together with the key persons of Norwegian Book Town in Fjærland, they went to visit other book towns in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands to share knowledge and inspiration.

  • Foto av prosjektdeltakarar

    The international research project Unchain seeks to develop a novel approach to the prevention of climate-related disasters and gradual change afflicting society in various ways. Researchers from seven countries were represented at the kick-off meeting in Vienna this week.

  • LeMo møte-deltagere, september 2019

    The fifth general meeting of the EU project "Leveraging Big Data for Managing Transport Operations" (LeMO) was held in Sogndal on September 5th and 6th, organized by Western Norway Research Institute.

  • Foto

    Carlo Aall at Western Norway Research Institute has guest-edited a special issue of the journal "Sustainability" discussing various aspects of overtourism and sustainable urban tourism.

  • Vestforsk conducted a questionnaire among people in Germany, France, UK, and USA about their booking habits and preferences.

  • New Book by Otto Andersen.
    Energy technologies in the future must be based on renewable sources of energy and they must be sustainable. This book provides insight into unintended negative impacts and how they can be avoided.

  • Vestforsk arranges the fifth seminar on ISO 15926 and Semantic Technologies in Sogndal these days. Invited researchers and practitioners in the field meet to present and discuss different issues under this year's topic Big Data. ISO 15926 is an ISO standard for semantic information modelling in oil and gas.

  • Title: Assistance to life-cycle assessment of ethanol-blended gasoline

  • Title:
    In silico toxicological assessment of ethanol-blended gasoline exhaust

  • Styret for regionalt Forskingsfond på vestlandet har tildelt Vestlandsforsking kr. 200 000 til et forprosjekt for å se på hvordan klimaendringer og klimapolitikk kan påvirke vestlandsjordbruket.