Vestlandsforsking engages in ViteMeir
Vestlandforsking has assembled a working group of researchers who will contribute to the development of subject content at the new science center ViteMeir at Kaupanger.
- The researchers here work on many topics that are both highly relevant and suitable for installations and practical experiences with ViteMeir, says Anders-Johan Almås, CEO.
ViteMeir will be an inspiring and informative experience for kindergartens and schools, as well as an attracftion for familiar and leisure guests. The ambition is also to become a national/regional science center, this will be resolved before the turn of the year.
- Resilience, local cooperation and professional content are the very foundation of our vision. We look forward to opening a great center for innovation, collaboration and networking, says project leader Marianne Jevnaker with ViteMeir.
Opens in 2021
Vestland County Council as the builder presents this week the winner of the architectural competition and gives a clear signal to the first spade sting at Kaupanger. The winner of the architectural competition is Åsen and Øvrelid AS, and they signed the contract for the interaction phase on Wednesday 27 November. The project group for the contractor includes the Architectural Office 4B, Caverion and Sweco. They will now further develop the project together with both ViteMeir and the developer, the county municipality. It is expected that the pre-project will be delivered by the end of February 2020, and that the building will be ready for use the following school year.