Climate change adaptation and road transportation

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Statens vegvesen er prosjektleiar for Klimatilpassing og vegtransport. Kontaktpersonen i Statens vegvesen er Gordana Petkovic                


The project will develop methods and tools to better manage climate risk in the road sector and contribute to these being implemented in road management. This is achieved through four innovations: i) a tool for the road sector in Norway that operationalises climate risk in socio-economic analyzes; ii) improved, innovative tools for socio-economic analysis of measures; iii) updated guidelines for socio-economic analysis in the road sector that to a greater extent address climate risk; and iv) conscious work to integrate the new tools in the work of those involved: the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Nye Veier and the county municipalities. The innovations are relevant for all phases of road projects: planning, engineering and operation.

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Vestlandsforsking er fagleg prosjektleiar. Kontaktperson for VF er Carlo Aall

A changing climate and society create challenges for investments exposed to natural hazards and shifting normal weather. This applies to a high extent to the road sector. Today, climate risk is taken into account to a very limited extent in the socio-economic analyzes that form the basis for decisions in the planning, design and operation of road infrastructure, and there are no available methods that can be implemented, either from other sectors or internationally. There is therefore a great need for research to develop new, innovative tools that provide a basis for decision-making for planning and management in the road sector, and for inspiration for other sectors where physical infrastructure is important..


User partners: the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Nye Veier AS. Proffesional partnes is Western Norway Research Institute (project leader) Menon Economics and Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.


Press release from Statens Vegvesen








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Start date:
End date:
Financed by:
Statens vegvesen
In cooperation with:
Menon economics
Norges geotekniske institutt
Project lead:
Research Professor
Project staff:
Researcher and PhD student
Senior Researcher and Group Leader
Researcher and PhD student