Climate budget 2.0

We need rapid cuts in CO2 emissions to avoid disastrous climate change. A widely used scenario suggests that to stay below 1.5 degree warming, the world has to reduce emissions by 45% by 2030 (compared to 2010) and reach net zero emissions around 2050. But combining the Paris commitments for Equity with the IPCC’s carbon budgets demonstrates a profoundly more challenging post-Paris mitigation agenda than industrialised nations have thus far planned for. This project builds on the assumption that Norway’s climate agenda should be informed both by its temperature commitments of staying “well below 2°C” and “pursuing … 1.5°C” , and its commitment that this should be operated “…on the basis of equity”. The IPCC provides a range of carbon budgets for these temperatures which, in combination with the equity framing of the Paris Agreement, can be rendered into an energy-only carbon budget range (CO2 only) for Norway. This project will build onto previous work developed for Sweden and the UK to develop a methodology to frame and inform what a Paris-compliant climate agenda looks like in a Norwegian context. At the core of this research is the notion that translating global goals into local climate commitments will require active stakeholder engagement.

Start date:
End date:
Financed by:
Regionalt Forskingsfond Vestland
Project lead:
Senior Researcher and Group Leader
Project staff: