Koordinering av Norsk senter for berekraftig klimatilpassing (Noradapt)

Noradapt eller Norsk senter for berekraftig klimatilpassing blei etablert ved årsskiftet 2018/2019. Vestlandsforsking driv senteret, som består av åtte partnarinstitusjonar. Kvar av dei er representerte i senteret si leiargruppe.

Les meir på Noradapt si nettside

På denne sida presenterer vi aktivitetar Noradapt finansierer ut over dei ordinære forskingsprosjekta. Dette gjeld mellom anna foredrag, publisering av vitskaplege artiklar og felles seminar og konferansar.

I media:

 Artikkel: Når 1,5 gradersmålet er utenfor rekkevidde, må Norge tilpasse seg

Start date:
Project lead:
Leiande seniorforskar
Project staff:
Seniorforskar og gruppeleiar Teksam
Forskar og kommunikasjonsansvarleg
  • Kvinne i grå genser og rosa skjerf talar til forsamling

    Noradapt, a national research centre on climate change adaptation led by WNRI, etablished an international Scientific Advisory Board this month. The board includes five international top scientists in the field of climate change adaptation. The board is led by Sirkku Juhola, Professor of Urban Environmental Policy at the University of Helsinki.

  • Foto

    A short-length art film launched on 23 September touches on the feeling that something about our climate has irrevocably changed. The film, entitled «Hvítr», is directed and filmed by Johan Wildhagen and features original music by his daughter, the artist Fay Wildhagen.

  • Foto

    The world was at a tipping point in several ways even before coronavirus – so where do we go from here? Author and professor Dag O. Hessen will be one of the main speakers at this year's #Klimaomstilling, co-organised by Western Norway Research Institute, which will take place online on 23 September 2020.

  • Foto Technoport 2020

    Noradapt, a national research centre for climate change adaptation led by Western Norway Research Institute, was intended to contribute to this year's Technoport conference. The event brings more than 700 participants together to address how deep technology can help us build a more climate resilient society. Unfortunately, the conference was cancelled to prevent the spread of the corona virus in Norway.

  • Menneske saman i konferanserom

    Climate change makes it more difficult to grow food in large parts of the world, forcing farmers to adapt to new weather patterns. This is a common case for the Development Fund and Noradapt, as a recent meeting test with Vestlandsforsking to become better acquainted and consider future cooperation.