Influence of bio-components content in fuel on emission of diesel engines and engine oil deterioration - BIODEG
BIODEG er eit akronym for “Influence of bio-components content in fuel on emission of diesel engines and engine oil deterioration”. Prosjektet skal bidra med kunnskap om konsekvensar ved bruk av biodiesel i kombinasjon med fossil diesel på to område;
- utslepp og
- effekt på motorolje.
Vestlandsforsking har ansvar for det første området – utslepp - gjennom livsløpsvuring av drivstoff sine utslepp av klimagassar og stoff med helseeffekt. Vurderingene skal utførast for biodiesel produsert frå biologiske olje frå tre ulike kjelde; 1) rapsfrø, 2) solsikkefrø og 3) fisk.
Prosjektet skal gå over 33 månader og er finansiert frå EØS-finansieringsordningen (EEA Grants). Samarbeidspartnarar er koordinatoren Oil and Gas Institute of Krakow (IniG) i Polen og Abgasprüfstelle Fachhochschule Biel (AFHB) i Sveits.
Fleire publikasjonar:
Andersen, O., 2014. Fornybar energi har utilsiktede konsekvenser (Renewable energy has unintended consequences). Transportforum, 1:14–17.
Andersen, O., Manzetti, S. & Spool, D. van der., 2012. Bio-blending of diesel might impact exhaust toxicity. 7th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials", The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Czerwinski, J., Stepien, Z., Oleksiak, S. and Andersen, O., 2011. Influences of Biocomponents (RME) on Regenerations of Diesel Particle Filters. Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport 18(4): 65–75.
Andersen, O., 2011. Biodiesel kan skade DNA (Biodiesel can damage DNA). Jan 13, 2011.
Andersen, O. & Manzetti, S., 2010. Biodiesel i autodiesel - "kvikk-fiks" på miljøproblem? (New types of exhaust emissions from biodiesel/fossil diesel blends). Aug 18, 201.0
Manzetti, S., Andersen, O. & Czerwinski, J., 2011. Biodiesel, Fossil Diesel and their Blends: Chemical and Toxicological Properties. In Biodiesel: Blends, Properties and Applications. Energy Science, Engineering and Technology, Renewable Energy: Research, Development and Policies. Nova Publishers.
Oleksiak, S., Stepien, Z., Urzedowska, W., Czerwinski, J. & Andersen, O., 2010. Influence of bio-components content in fuel on emission of diesel engines and engine oil detorioration. In Euro Oil & Fuel 2010. Biocomponents in Diesel fuels - impact on emission and ageing on engine oil. Procne naukowe IniG. Crakow: Oil and Gas Institute Krakow.
Andersen, O., Manzetti, S. & Spool, D. van der., 2012. Bio-blending of diesel might impact exhaust toxicity. 7th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials", The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Czerwinski, J., Zbigniew, S., Oleksiak, S. & Andersen, O., 2011. Influences of Biocomponents (RME) on Regenerations of Diesel Particle Filters. International Scientific Journal of KONES. Institute of Aviation Al. Krakowska 110/114, 02-256 Warsaw, Poland, Krakow.
Andersen, O., 2011. The problematics of bioblending. In Fighting both toxic exhaust and climate gas emissions from bio-blended diesel– Assessment of strategies. Feb 25, 2011. Sogndal, Norway.
Andersen, O., 2011. Where do we go from here? Discussion. Research needs. Funding of the research. In Fighting both toxic exhaust and climate gas emissions from bio-blended diesel– Assessment of strategies. Feb 25. Sogndal, Norway.
Czerwinski, J., Zbigniew, S., Oleksiak, S. & Andersen, O., 2011. Combinations of Measures for Reduction of NOx & Nanoparticles of a Diesel Engine. In Proceedings From IV International Congress on Combustion Engines - PTNSS. IV International Congress on Combustion Engines - PTNSS congress 2011. June 16 – 17. The Development of Combustion engines. Random, Poland: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines.
Andersen, O., Czerwinski, J., Oleksiak, S. & Spool, D. van der., 2010. Nanoparticle Emissions from Engines Running on Fossile Fuels Combined With Biofuels: A Simulation of a Toxicological Scenario. In Nano2010_Abstracts. Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials: Aug 22–26. Clemson University, South Carolina, USA: Clemson University, South Carolina, USA.
Czerwinski, J., Mayer, A., Stepien, Z., Oleksiak, S. and Andersen. O., 2009. Reduction of Emissions and Unregulated Components With DPF+SCR. Nafta-Gaz Journal 11: 829–838.
Czerwinski, J., Mayer, A., Stepien, Z., Oleksiak, S. & Andersen, O., 2009. Reduction of Emissions and Unregulated Components With DPF+SCR. In Nafta-Gaz Journal. DEXFIL International Conference 2009 “Reduction of vehicles particlulates emission – experiences and challenges”. Nov 18-19. Crakow, Poland: Oil and Gas Institute (IniG) and Association of the Oil and Motor Industries Cooperation CEC POLSKA, pp. 829-838.