Big data and Emerging Technologies
Our research group’s blueprint is guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to secure a sustainable, peaceful, prosperous, and equitable life on earth for everyone now, and in the future. In particular, our research contributes to objectives 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), 11 (1 Sustainable cities and resilient communities), and 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions).
We perform fundamental and applicable research covering all aspects of data, information and knowledge management, and artificial intelligence (AI). This includes big data analytics and management, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, data security and privacy. Our group brings together expertise in the aforementioned areas and targets its application in a variety of research and innovation projects that require ICT enabling technological convergence.
We work with a wide range of application domains, including public safety, social cybersecurity, disaster response and resilience, transport, mobility, energy and agriculture. Our research work is cross-disciplinary, collaborating with domain experts within and outside Norway, and based on innovative methodologies and with society at large.
One of our new focus areas is resilience in complex systems: Our current work investigates the intersection of online violence and the resilience of communities. We are interested in the mechanisms that allow such systems to adapt to overcome different types of emergencies, both natural and man-made.
We also have extensive experience in requirements elicitation, specification, analysis and management; design and execution of empirical studies (case studies, action research); validation of innovative solutions through large scale demonstrations, pilots or testing of use cases in a real setting. We offer cross-industry expertise, technological and socio-economic insight, and commitment to sustainable solutions.
In parallel, our research also addresses prominent issues around privacy, data protection and ethics, to apply big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to solve challenging problems for society. We support international, national and regional collaboration and knowledge transfer in this field.
We collaborate with national and international partners from academia and the public and private sectors. The research group receives funding from major national and international funding agencies.
For more information about the Big Data research group, please visit the group's web page