Result from Survey
In the spring of 2023, Vestlandsforsking conducted a comprehensive survey aimed at the energy industry to gain insight into how the sector perceives the consequences of climate change: the survey, part of Klimamonitor’s work, involved producers and distributors of electrical power in Norway. The goal was to understand the attitudes of those working in the energy sector regarding how a changing climate affects Norway’s energy system.
The survey, which received 49 responses from around 100 people, addressed several key questions concerning the potential positive and negative impacts of climate change on the production, distribution, and use of renewable energy. The questions also explored how the energy industry evaluates its own efforts to reduce climate risks and how societal changes play a role in the planning of future energy systems.
Divided opinions on the sector’s efforts
One of the findings is that the energy sector broadly acknowledges that the effects of climate change are already being felt. Nearly half of the respondents believe we notice the consequences now, but there is still uncertainty about whether the industry is doing enough to mitigate the negative impacts. Especially within the distribution sector, many feel that not enough is being done, while those working in production are more confident that sufficient measures are in place.
Increased opportunities – but also challenges
The survey shows that many in the industry see the potential for increased energy production due to climate change. Both hydropower and wind power could benefit from changes in precipitation and wind patterns, with 84 per cent believing that climate change could lead to increased hydropower production. However, there is also a vital concern about the security of electricity supply. More frequent extreme weather events and risks such as landslides and floods could destroy infrastructure, which could have severe consequences for production and distribution.
Societal changes as significant as climate changes
The energy industry does not just focus on the climate itself but also considers how societal changes could affect its work. More than half of those surveyed said they place equal emphasis on societal factors as on climate change when assessing future risks. Government regulations, supply security, and maintenance resources are key issues the sector identifies as critical for understanding and adapting to a changing climate.
The energy sector sees both opportunities and challenges in a changing climate. The industry is clearly aware of the risks, but there is also significant uncertainty about how well it is prepared. Climate change is expected to impact energy production and distribution in Norway, and society and infrastructure will need to adapt to ensure a stable energy supply in the future.
Increased opportunities – but also challenges
Divided opinions on the sector’s efforts
Societal changes as significant as climate changes