News archive

  • teknologi

    Are you curious about how artificial intelligence affects our society, or whether social media can be a resource for public services? Do you find it exciting to explore how digitization impacts school, work, and leisure? These are some of the questions for research within the Technology and Society group
    at the research institute.

  • Fem unge menneske rundt PC og bord med gule lappar

    From 16.-17. of November, a set of research institutions in western Norway organise an inter-disciplinary climate change adaptation workshop of particular relevance to practitioners in municipalities. "In recent years, nature-based solutions have been gaining interest from the government and a growing number of municipalities are catching on as well," says Hanna Kvamsås, a researcher at Norce.

  • Gruppe med vaksne forskarar av begge kjønn står oppstilt i lobby

    A recently initiated research project seeks to develop new methods to combat online hate speech and misinformation. The project has a total budget of more than NOK 19 million and is coordinated by Western Norway Research Institute (WNRI).
    "This is an ambitious project which combines research and innovation to contribute to solving a societal problem", says project coordinator Rajendra Akerkar.

  • Formelt kledde kvinner står framme i klasserom. Menn sit og klappar. Lerret i bakgrunnen.

    The Research Council of Norway recently announced that Western Norway Research Institute and its partners will receive more than NOK 19 million to conduct research into artificial intelligence, big data, and social media. The project seeks put an end to online hate speech and radicalisation through developing new methods based on big data.

  • Dannevig is a PhD-candidate at the Department of Planning at Aalborg University and a Research Fellow at Western Norway Research Institute in Sogndal.

  • The Western Norway Research Institute is currently assisting the development of an EEA funded National Climate Adaptation Training Network in Hungary. As part of the project a group of ten Hungarians have been visiting Sogn to learn more about climate adaptation and climate change communication.

  • We have started a process to renew our website, and would like to know more about our website visitors today. We are therefore asking visitors three short questions using a simple questionnaire. We hope you take the time to respond!

  • Professor Rajendra Akerkar at Vestlandsforsking has been nominated by the Norwegian Research Council as a Management Committee Member to the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications".

  • We are delighted that delegates from about 30 countries joined us for the 3rd International Adventure Tourism Conference 22–26 November in Sogndal, close to fjords and glaciers, with opportunities for activities containing both culture, nature and physical activities. In other words: world class adventure tourism.

  • The conference will be held in Sogndal 22 - 26 November 2014. The conference is directed at academics, industry participants and other interested parties within nature and experience-based turism and outdoor recreation.

  • Konferansen blir i år arrangert på Sunnfjord hotel 1. - 2. oktober. Årets tema:Kreativt fylke?

  • Recent technology allows for the collection of massive volumes of data. The challenge of transforming these data into valuable and actionable information is an activity known as big data (or data science). These datasets are not only huge, but complex, including unstructured, heterogeneous data, image, video, human language, and hence entirely innovative approaches are needed to handle them.

    Vestlandsforsking specializes in the utilising of big data and semantic science for data integration, analysis and process management.

  • The Norwegian conference on payments, Betalingsformidling 2014, was arranged in Trondheim 4. and 5. of March and researcher Svein Ølnes was invited to speak about Bitcoin.

  • Bitcoin kan visa seg å bli ein alvorleg utfordrar til dei dominerande betalingssystema på nettet i dag. Det bør interessera både myndigheiter og finansinstitusjonar, skriv Svein Ølnes i ein kronikk på nettsida

  • Vestforsk conducted a questionnaire among people in Germany, France, UK, and USA about their booking habits and preferences.

  • New Book by Otto Andersen.
    Energy technologies in the future must be based on renewable sources of energy and they must be sustainable. This book provides insight into unintended negative impacts and how they can be avoided.

  • Vestforsk arranges the fifth seminar on ISO 15926 and Semantic Technologies in Sogndal these days. Invited researchers and practitioners in the field meet to present and discuss different issues under this year's topic Big Data. ISO 15926 is an ISO standard for semantic information modelling in oil and gas.

  • Title: Assistance to life-cycle assessment of ethanol-blended gasoline

  • Title:
    In silico toxicological assessment of ethanol-blended gasoline exhaust