Hungarians visit Sogndal
The Western Norway Research Institute is currently assisting the development of an EEA funded National Climate Adaptation Training Network in Hungary. As part of the project a group of ten Hungarians have been visiting Sogn to learn more about climate adaptation and climate change communication.
The group comprises of 5 people from the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture research centre (HOI), as well as 5 project project managers and training consultants from the following companies: Dipol, Atrois and Wessling. The visit is part of a study tour organised by climate adaptation training advisor Deborah Davies at the Western Norway Research Institute (WNRI).
The group arrived in Sogndal on September 28, and activities have included seminars on climate change adaptation and communication, at both WNRI and the County Governor's Office in Leikanger; field trips to vulnerable sites in Sogndal, Leikanger and Fjærland; a lecture and tour at both the Norwegian Glacier Museum and Njøs næringsutvikling; and an international lunch held at WNRI in Sogndal, highlighting the importance of local food. The group returned to Bergen on October 2.