Agricultural drought in the light of Climate Change
A case study on agricultural drought and derivation of adaptation approaches in the Province of Salzburg.
Case content
This case aims to develop impact chains, hold stakeholder dialogues and workshops, explore system dynamic approaches and to conduct a quantitative risk assessment that is focused on the co-development of drivers of agricultural drought and derives adaptation approaches. It utilizes causal loop diagrams and integrates systems modelling approaches. Another core element of this case is the application of a spatial regionalisation approach that is independent from administrative boundaries.
Research Innovations
Co-development of drivers of agricultural drought and derivation of adaptation approaches; application of causal loop diagrams as well as integration of systems modelling approaches; application of regionalisation approach which is independent from admin boundaries
Study areas
Province of Salzburg with focus on specific areas
Stakeholders involved
Various - governmental institutions (national, provincial, regional), farmer associations, farmers, insurance representative, scientists
Summary data collection
Qualitative data is gathered through stakeholder dialogues and workshops; Quantitative data, such as socio-demographic and socio-economic data, bio-physical and satellite derived data are collected from various open government data portals and other freely and openly available sources.
Expected results
Spatial risk maps, adapted and improved methodology of IC, insights on stakeholder consultation
Case study responsible
University Salzburg (PLUS)