Survey to norwegian municipalities about climate change adaption
As part of the work to implement the long-term strategy, the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) wishes to develop knowledge that can contribute to achieving the goals in the basic document from KS Landsting. To help implement the strategy, KS have orderdered a survey of Norwegian municipalities in 2021 about the work on climate adaptation.
The topic of the survey is limited to the parts of climate adaptation that fall outside the scope of work with natural hazards and emergency preparedness, as this topic is covered by a planned survey in 2021 conducted by CICERO on behalf of the insurance company If.
The survey is intended as a periodic survey (annually or with less frequency) and should therefore be structured with a view to being able to compare answers over time. It will therefore build on previous similar surveys conducted for KS, but with the thematic delimitations discussed in the section above, and with the possibility of a section of questions with years of thematic variation.tiske variasjon.