Exploring risk ownership linked to transboundary climate risks affecting the Nordic countries

The project will analyse the distribution of risk ownership - who is affected, who is responsible for, and who has the capacity to address the risk - for various forms of cross-border climate risk that may affect the Nordic countries. The project is based on the knowledge base obtained through two previous Nordic Council of Ministers projects: "Nordic perspectives on transboundary impacts of climate change" (from 2022) and "Comparative analysis of the adaptation policy landscape in the Nordic region" (2023). The project has three work packages: 1 ) Survey in each of the three cooperating countries (Norway, Sweden and Finland), 2) a joint Nordic workshop, and 3) analysis, documentation and development of policy recommendations. The survey will go to a selection of informants representing municipalities, county councils, and relevant industries. The survey will contain questions about the type of risk the informants are concerned with, how they think the risk will take shape, and their point of view on risk ownership.

Start date:
End date:
Financed by:
Nordisk ministerråd / Nordic Council of Ministers
In cooperation with:
Universitetet i Helsinki
Stockholm Environment Institute
Project lead:
Research Professor
Project staff: