En studie av norske muslimske kvinners mediebruk og mediedeltakelse


This report presents finding of a study investigating immigrant Muslim women’s engagement with social media and how they make sense of the media content they consume and produce. The study covers issues related to: the discourse on Islam in relation to gender, online media production and consumption, self-presentation, identity, public sphere, participation and the discourse on immigration.

The study aims to provide insights into the complex forms of interaction where immigrant Muslim women in Norway navigate the unique contours of their identities as Muslims, as women, as immigrants and as residents in Norway. How these online interactions intersect with offline worlds and the role different media play in empowering their civic engagement. The study employs quantitative methods to provide an overarching picture and an understanding of the general patterns of social media consumption and production and qualitative methods to dig deeper into these general indications. Results from the quantitative study (questionnaires) indicate that despite the fact that the women have a high education, are interested in the ways Muslims are portrayed in the media, few participated in public debates and engaged politically on social media. The qualitative study shows that social media were not the only arena for participation in public discourse.

Findings show that the women use different channels and arenas of communication to actively participate in societal debates. These include radio informational videos, information letters from school, and computer courses for women, workplaces, and arenas for immigrants, and so on. These are vital ‘arenas’ that offer important and far more accessible alternative spaces for civic engagement for many with immigrant background.