News archive

  • We are delighted that delegates from about 30 countries joined us for the 3rd International Adventure Tourism Conference 22–26 November in Sogndal, close to fjords and glaciers, with opportunities for activities containing both culture, nature and physical activities. In other words: world class adventure tourism.

  • The conference will be held in Sogndal 22 - 26 November 2014. The conference is directed at academics, industry participants and other interested parties within nature and experience-based turism and outdoor recreation.

  • Konferansen blir i år arrangert på Sunnfjord hotel 1. - 2. oktober. Årets tema:Kreativt fylke?

  • Recent technology allows for the collection of massive volumes of data. The challenge of transforming these data into valuable and actionable information is an activity known as big data (or data science). These datasets are not only huge, but complex, including unstructured, heterogeneous data, image, video, human language, and hence entirely innovative approaches are needed to handle them.

    Vestlandsforsking specializes in the utilising of big data and semantic science for data integration, analysis and process management.

  • The Norwegian conference on payments, Betalingsformidling 2014, was arranged in Trondheim 4. and 5. of March and researcher Svein Ølnes was invited to speak about Bitcoin.

  • Bitcoin kan visa seg å bli ein alvorleg utfordrar til dei dominerande betalingssystema på nettet i dag. Det bør interessera både myndigheiter og finansinstitusjonar, skriv Svein Ølnes i ein kronikk på nettsida

  •, part of the "Kunnskap kryssar grenser" project recently got itself a proper logo. We needed it fast, during the summer vacation, and thus decided to try the 99designs crowdsourcing service. Here are some tips if you'd like to try.

  • Vestlandsforsking ved forskingsleiar Carlo Aall og Høgskulen i Oslo ved professor Karl Georg Høyer deltok som assosierte partnarar under opninga av The Nordic Centre of Excellence NORD-STAR (Nordic Strategic Adaptation Research).

  • The WIMS'11 Conference is about to start and the keynotes will be streamed.

  • Vestlandsforsking, Sogndal is hosting the 1st International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS’11) at Quality Hotel Sogndal from May 25 to 27, 2011. Inaugural keynote address will be delivered by Professor Jim Hendler, Director of the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI, USA). Hendler helps lead the Tetherless World Constellation on increasing access to information at any time and place without the need for a “tether” to a specific computer or device.

  • The Western Norway Research Institute and the Sogn and Fjordane University College have three scholarships available for doctoral-, or post-doctoral studies in fields relating to; renewable energy, energy consumption, innovation and regional development.

  • The aim of the seminar is to discuss strategies for reducing toxic exhaust emissions, improving combustion and decreasing fuel consumption. The seminar brings together experts on exhaust emissions analysis, fuel properties, pre-treatment and additive technologies. Transport operators will present their perspectives. There will be discussions on research needs and funding. The seminar will be streamed live on this web page.

  • The WIMS '11 Conference arranged by Vestlandsforsking May 25-27 has recieved a lot of high quality papers. Registration is now open both for authors presenting accepted papers and for anyone else that wishes to attend the conference.

  • Vestlandsforsking held i februar eit testkurs for personar som skal lære andre om lokal tilpassing til klimaendringar. Kurset er det første i sitt slag i Norden.

  • Western Norway Research Institute organised a parallel session on climate adaptation at a Norwegian conference on societal safety and security on 3 January 2011.

  • Styret for regionalt Forskingsfond på vestlandet har tildelt Vestlandsforsking kr. 200 000 til et forprosjekt for å se på hvordan klimaendringer og klimapolitikk kan påvirke vestlandsjordbruket.

  • Vestlandsforsking is 25 years and we are celebrating this by offering a series of seminars on semantic technologies. The series starts Thursday 11th of Nov and will continue until June 2011. All seminars will be streamed and the video will also be available for download afterwards. More information about the dates for the seminars in 2011 will follow later. The topics to be presented in 2011 are also subject to changes.
    We would like to thank Difi, the Resource network for e-Government (Verdikt) and ABM Utvikling for sponsoring this series. The seminars will be held in English.

  • Clim-ATIC invited to its international project conference in Florø, Norway, 26-27 October 2010. It was streamed live here at

  • Food is an integral part of tourism, but there is seldom a focus on
    how food can affect the sustainability of the tourism sector.