Good response for the WIMS Conference
The WIMS '11 Conference arranged by Vestlandsforsking May 25-27 has recieved a lot of high quality papers. Registration is now open both for authors presenting accepted papers and for anyone else that wishes to attend the conference.
WIMS'11 call for papers got a tremendous response from researchers all over the world. The WIMS'11 program committee has recently completed review process of submitted papers. From 170 submissions, 50 full papers and 15 poster papers are accepted for oral presentation at the conference. Acceptance rate 38.25%. Though it is a new conference, WIMS’11 is very fortunate to have such enthusiastic authors, PC members, Advisory members, and all others who share our WIMS vision of building remarkable research conference about intelligent approaches to transform the World Wide Web into a global reasoning and semantics-driven computing machine.
The one of the highlights of the WIMS'11 is keynote speeches by Jim Hendler, Marko Grobelnik, Sören Auer, and Peter Mika. There is also a special session on News from Norwegian projects. This session at WIMS'11 offers Norwegian projects (especially VERDIKT) with an exceptional opportunity to introduce themselves to the wider research community and explore possible collaborations with other projects (and international researchers) in a focused and beneficial way.
We are happy to say that the WIMS'11 is supported by the Research Council of Norway.
Expected attendee profiles are professors, directors, IT managers, researchers, students, web technologist, information architects, software architects, ontologists, software engineers; with global representation – 15% from North America, 50% from Europe (including Scandinavia, Italy, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, & UK) ; rest from Asia (including India, Malaysia, China, S. Korea, Australia) , Middle east, and South America.
The rich technical program of this conference together with registration and accommodation information can be found at the conference web site: