This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608352.

The overall objective of EmerGent, Emergency Management in Social Media Generation, is to understand the impact of social media in emergencies – both positive and negative - in order to enhance the safety and security of citizens. EmerGent’s results will also strengthen European companies supplying services and products related to Emergency Management.

Wherever emergencies or crises occur, ad-hoc communities are built through existing social media. These communities are weakly connected to emergency management services. Systematic research concerning the effective identification and integration of valuable and reliable information from social media into emergency management processes is needed. To achieve this, a strongly research-oriented methodology is followed in EmerGent.

Further information is available at



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Leiande seniorforskar
  • Vestlandsforsking er denne veka vertskap for 20 internasjonale forskarar og partnarar frå europeiske nødetatar som samarbeider i eit EU-finansiert forskingsprosjekt. Målet er å få meir kunnskap om sosiale medium si rolle i krisesituasjonar, og å utvikle ny teknologi som gjer at kriseleiingar og naudetatar kan dra nytte av informasjon som vert spreidd i sosiale medium under krisesituasjonar.