Evaluating "Girls and Technology"
Girls and Technology is an initiative inviting girls from grade 9 and up to university level to events aiming to encourage girls to choose technology and science educations. Since 2016 the initiative has been organized by NHO with partners and received financial support from The Norwegian Directo-rate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir). The main objective of the evaluation of Girls and Technology is to identify the extent to which the initiative has succeeded in influencing girls' choice to study technology, from high school to university level. Few girls choose to study technology and science, and the initiative operates within a culture where the path to technology is less visible for girls than for boys. The evaluation is rooted in theories of gender as something we do based on cultural notions of gender, and thus also educational choices can be understood as a way of doing gender. Through a mixed-method strategy that involves qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey, all target groups for Girls and Technology – girls, teachers, parents, and female role models – have contributed to the evaluation.