Sustainable cruise – knowledge about and optimization of social, environmental and economic effects of cruise tourism

The project «Sustainable cruise – knowledge about and optimization of social, environmental and economic effects of cruise tourism» shall analyze the conditions for a sustainable and profitable cruise traffic in Norway, including a clarification of the alternatives to develop the cruise sector in a way that integrate and balance both social, economic and environmental considerations. Main activities and research questions in the project:

  1. Destination & distribution of traffic: Map the visitor intensity in cruise harbors along the west coast of Norway now and in the future. When, where and how many visitors there are today, and how may the situation be in the future given plans for development and attractiveness?
  2. Economy and local value added: Map consumer patterns today and suggest measures on how land based value creation may increase. Map the distribution of local, national and international interests and investigate what factors that affects the consumption level and the onshore offers.
  3. Environmental development: Map the environmental effects and possible actions to reduce the environmental effects, both technological and in policymaking. How can these measures influence the future of cruise?
Start date:
End date:
Project lead:
Research co-ordinator
Project staff:
Senior Researcher
Gruppeleiar Teksam (permisjon)
Senior Researcher and Group Leader