ITS for sustainable transport: In-vehicle feed-back on eco-driving and external costs - TRANSFEED
To which extend can Driver Support Systems (DSS), including electronic road pricing, contribute to achieving the Norwegian government's target of becoming a low-emissions society? This is TRANSFEEDs overarching research question. The project contributes to filling a knowledge gap in the scientific transport literature by providing new insights about how cars are driven in real traffic and test how drivers respond to in-vehicle feedback. In turn, the impacts of DSS on transport decisions, driver behavior, and ultimately on the sustainability of transport will be quantified to identify its contributions to facilitating change in the transport sector.
The main goal of TRANSFEED is to investigate how DSS along with road pricing can lead to reductions in environmental damage from passenger transport by car, which makes it particularly relevant to the priority research theme sustainable transport.
Objective: Examine the impact of DSS on driver behavior and vehicle emissions.
Partners in the project are TØI, Institute of Transport Econimics, Western Norway Research Institute, University of Bergen and VU Amsterdam.