EU-Network for Sogn og Fjordane
EU-network in Sogn og Fjordane (EU-nett SFJ) is a regional network established to mobilise, qualify and increase participation of businesses, public actors and research community in the county of Sogn og Fjordane in Horizon 2020 (H2020). The network’s prioritized areas will be energy, environment, climate change and IT. These are all fields in which the county Research & Development (R & D) institutions have special expertise, and in which private and public actors have a combined interest in tackling important challenges.
The network will include organisations already experienced in EU-projects as well as new members without such experience. The common denominator will be their interest and aim of participating in H2020. The network will build on existing expertise and experience of the regional R & D sector and IT forum Sogn of Fjordane. The network will in addition to meetings, conferences, project workshops, use e-services for spreading information and communication.
EU-nett SFJ will develop best practices by exchanging experience and active cooperation with other networks, National Contact Points and between key actors in the network to achieve learning and synergies in efforts to mobilize participation in Horizon 2020