Influence of bioethanol fuels treatment for operational performance, ecological properties and GHG emissions of spark ignition engine - Biotreth
The project will provide knowledge about the impact of ethanol blending in gasoline. Vestlandsforsking will be responsible for work package 6 which is the assessment of the consequences of exhaust toxicity and greenhouse gas emissions. For emissions of greenhouse gases will be completed life cycle assessment (LCA). The toxicological consequences will be considered by literature studies and molecular dynamic simulations.
Andersen, O., Manzetti, S., Hung, C., Czerwinski, J., Stepien, Z., Oleksiak, S. & Andrae, A., 2015. Environmental impacts connected with the use of ethanol-gasoline blends. In: Alcohol fuels for transport – background, research and development. Procne naukowe IniG. Crakow: Oil and Gas Institute Krakow.54–67.
Andersen, O., Hung, C., Czerwinski, J., Oleksiak, S. & Andrae, A. 2015. Well-to-Wheel Environmental Assessment of Bioethanol-Gasoline Blends - The Effect of Detergent Additives and Feedstock. 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Leipzig, Germany.
Manzetti, S., Andersen, O. 2015. Characterization of the molecular interaction between acetaldehyde and phenanthrene: A molecular simulation study of nanoparticle formation dynamics from bioethanol blends. P4TA-CERTAM International Workshop: Characterization of Complex Nanoaerosol Emissions: metrology, health and environmental issues. Mar 2. Rouen, France.