Functional joining of dissimilar materials using directed self-assembly of nanoparticles by capillary-bridging - HyperConnect

The future microelectronics require more functionality and performance with smaller size, lower cost and lower energy consumption. Advanced system integration is needed, a trend related to the use of different materials and new production methods. Critical factors are better thermal conductivity and better interconnection of various components that provide robust products that withstand thermo-mechanical loading.

The project will develop a new process for the interconnection of electronic components. The goal is a process that shows better electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. Central is a new idea of a stepwise process in which nanoparticles, polymer and composite materials using cappilary forces and chemical surface properties. This will be achieved through experimental characterization and simulation of materials and process, as well as validation in four demonstration products of industrial interest.

Vestlandsforsking shall conduct an environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) of the new process, and contribute to precautions and guidelines for working with the type of nanoparticles that are used in the project.

Project has nine partners from industry, small and medium enterprises, research institutes and academia in five European countries.

Project webside


Andersen O (2015) Greening of electronics through life cycle assessment. IEEE CPMT Workshop on Nanoscale Electronics Packaging, Kollektorn A423, MC2, 10 jun 2015, Chalmers University of Technology, Kemivägen 9, Gothenburg, Sweden.

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