Creation of models for operation, financing and grant schemes for culture, sports and friluftsliv in Nye Asker municipality
Nye Asker municipality wants to make sure that all residents have a real opportunity to participate in various leisure activities through a diverse range of services. As a result of merging of the three former municipalities Hurum, Røyken and Asker, there is a need for a better basis for decision making regarding which practices will be applied in the new municipality.
Western Norway Research Institute and Telemark Research Institute will gather and analyze knowledge about the practices and experiences of the former municipalities Hurum, Røyken and Asker. The report shall include the organization and financing of facilities and arenas, grant schemes and activities. The researchers will also gather knowledge from comparable municipalities.
The knowledge base from the former municipalities must be compiled in a zero-point analysis. Together with the knowledge from the comparable municipalities, this analysis will lead to future scenarios for possible models in Nye Asker related to operations, financing and subsidy schemes in sports, friluftsliv and culture. The proposals for models should take into account Nye Asker municipality's goals for citizenship.
Western Norway Research Institute and Telemark Research Institute will also suggest indicators that can be used to measure the effect of grants and proposed future models. In addition comes an assessment of the need for alternative age divisions of users in sports, friluftsliv and culture.