Scientific paper on climate adaptation and civil protection receives attention

A scientific paper from Vestlandsforsking has recently been highlighted by Science for Environment Policy, the European Commission's environmental news service for policy makers, distributed to over 14,000 subscribers.

An abstract of the paper "Integrating climate change adaptation into civil protection: comparative lessons from Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands" (Groven et al. 2012) was one out of five news alert stories brought by the service in week 22.

The article was published online in March 2012 by the journal Local Environment. It is based on findings from the research project Civil protection and climate vulnerability (CIVILCLIM) funded by the Research Council of Norway, and carried out by Vestlandsforsking in co-operation with CSTM, University of Twente, the Netherlands, and FOI Swedish Defense Research Agency. The researchers have applied the concept of policy integration, and explored the integration of climate change adaptation into civil protection through studies of extreme weather management at national level, combined with local case studies of the three coastal cities of Bergen, Malmö and Rotterdam. Research issues addressed have been the extent to which, and in what form, policy integration processes have taken place, how observed processes can be explained, and how such integration may be improved.

Groven, K., Aall, C., van den Berg, M., Carlsson-Kanyama, A. & Coenen, F. (In press). Integrating climate change adaptation into civil protection: comparative lessons from Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands. Local Environment. doi:10.1080/13549839.2012.665859

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