The Semantic Web in a philosophical perspective



The semnatic web is a proposal to make a more efficient web. By endowing the computer "language" with a semantic structure defined by ontologies extracted from natural language, one hopes to facilitate the communication between computers. An ontology is a set of definitions that relate the terme and predicates of the vocabulary of the description language for a domain. It imposes a semantic structure that fix the meaning of terms and predicates that are polysemic in natural language and it serves as a basis for making inferences. Abstracted from the domain it limits the possible interpretations of the vocabulary. The extraction on ontologies from the semantic of a description language leans on Wittgenstein's metaphysics and picture theory from Tractatus, and language games from Investigations.

In: Philosophy of the Information Society. Papers of the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium.
The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.