Competitiveness in Norwegian Rural Tourism
The book chapter «Competitiveness in Norwegian Rural Tourism» examines the competitiveness of Norwegian rural tourism through empirical studies of farm tourism and family-owned rural hotels. Using the terms «coopetition» and «entrepreneurial ecosystem», the researchers investigate the interaction between various actors in the industry and their significance for the destination’s attractiveness and success. The findings show that small and large tourism businesses play a crucial role in enhancing competitiveness through collaboration. The article challenges traditional perceptions of rural tourism and highlights the potential for increased competitiveness through «competitive cooperation» between actors who complement each other but offer the same thing. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the actor landscape in Norwegian rural tourism and how different actors can contribute to the industry’s sustainable development. Keywords: competitiveness, rural tourism, coopetition, entrepreneurship
The book chapter is part of the anthology Rural konkurransekraft, by Tore Frimannslund and Nora Bækkelund (eds), (pp. 31-57). Fagbokforlaget. Read more more here.