Understanding Masculinity in Gaming

Understanding Masculinity in Gaming will investigate male gamer experiences of game culture as a contested space where a hypermasculine subculture is challenged by diversity. With an interdisciplinary team of scholars, the project will break new ground by combining game studies and masculinity studies in offering a new experience-centric theory of the relationship between the gamer identity and masculinity that goes beyond reductionist ideas of toxic masculinity. The project will create insight into experiences of male marginalization in light of the contestation of game culture, and thus provide a new understanding of the relationship between game culture and online movements relating to anti-feminism and the alt-right.


Project leader in UiB is Kristine Jørgensen

Project web page

Start date:
End date:
Financed by:
Norges forskningsråd
In cooperation with:
Univeristetet i Bergen
Oslo Met
Univeristy of New South Wales
Project lead:
Research Professor and Reaserch Leader