Open science (OS) where research planning, processes, data and results are freely available to all stakeholders is the future of science. OS will make science more effective and more responsive to societal needs, and it will enable citizens to participate actively in all aspects of science as citizen scientists.
OS does, however also raise new questions about research ethics, research integrity and misconduct. We know that research misconduct and questionable research practices occur in our current scientific processes, and it is likelythat similar or new forms of misconduct and questionable practices will emerge in OS. It is therefore important to identify and analyze the potential for misconduct in various areas of OS practice and in different scientific disciplines, and to identify and analyze current ethical, social and legal approaches to responding to questionable practices. It is only based on such an analysis that the European science system can effectively ensure that research ethics and research integrity (RE/RI) becomes a structural component of Open Science.
ROSiE will provide this analysis and develop practical tools aimed at ensuring RE/RI in OS and citizen science (CS). This will be done bya strongly multi-disciplinary project group consisting of world-leading experts and organizations in OS, CS, and RE/RI.