Campus Seminar established
Vestlandsforsking took the initiative to establish a common framework for seminars for all the companies located at the Campus. The name will be Campus Seminar. A first meeting was held 4th of January with members from some of the Campus "inhabitants". A working group was formed to continue the work with establishing Campus Seminar and these are the members of the group:
Jøril Hovland, Sogn og Fjordane Knowledge Park
Georg Arnestad, Sogn og Fjordane College
Torgeir Skålid, Sogndal Football
Svein Ølnes, Vestlandsforsking/Western Norway Research Institute
The goal is to gather existing seminar activities under a common umbrella to obtain better announcement and generally better awareness of the many activities going on. Anyone with suggestions to seminars that could be arranged within the Campus Seminar can contact the working group.
Together with the design company Gasta we will put up an intranet for Fosshaugane Campus with special announcements of Campus Seminar activities.