News archive

  • Joaquin i snøen

    A sus quince años vivió La Guerra del Agua en su ciudad natal Cochabamba, Bolivia. Ese fue el comienzo de su compromiso y dedicación por la justicia socioambiental.

  • kvinner utandørs

    Can a couple of nights in a tent and around the campfire make a difference for people who are in a difficult life situation, struggling to cope with everyday life, or feeling lonely? A Polish organization is testing out Norwegian-inspired outdoor activities as a form of group therapy. They draw on insight from Vestlandsforsking about the Norwegian outdoor tradition, commonly referred to as 'friluftsliv'.

  • News

    Vestlandsforsking brings together researchers from the United States, Japan, Hong Kong and Norway in Bergen to discuss how big data can help manage emergencies.

  • LeMO kick-off

    Vestlandsforsking will coordinate a new EU-funded research project to explore the use of big data in the European transport sector. Project kick-off was organized in Brussels this week.

  • News

    A Lithuanian delegation has visited Sogn og Fjordane to study the Norwegian approach to climate change impact on biodiversity and ecosystems. The study tour is part of an international project where Western Norway Research Institute and Sogn og Fjordane County Administration are participating.

  • Conference
    "Svein Ølnes St. Petersburg"

    Researcher Svein Ølnes held the keynote presentation at this year's eGov conference in St. Petersburg, Russia.

  • Vacancy

    Vestlandsforsking collaborates with academia and industry to pursue basic and applicable research to create innovative solutions for a broad range of data related challenges in fields such as mobility, transport, and crisis management.

  • News

    Western Norway Research Institute is proud to announce that we have launched our new webpage. Welcome - we hope you will like it.

  • We are delighted that delegates from about 30 countries joined us for the 3rd International Adventure Tourism Conference 22–26 November in Sogndal, close to fjords and glaciers, with opportunities for activities containing both culture, nature and physical activities. In other words: world class adventure tourism.

  • The conference will be held in Sogndal 22 - 26 November 2014. The conference is directed at academics, industry participants and other interested parties within nature and experience-based turism and outdoor recreation.

  • Konferansen blir i år arrangert på Sunnfjord hotel 1. - 2. oktober. Årets tema:Kreativt fylke?

  • Recent technology allows for the collection of massive volumes of data. The challenge of transforming these data into valuable and actionable information is an activity known as big data (or data science). These datasets are not only huge, but complex, including unstructured, heterogeneous data, image, video, human language, and hence entirely innovative approaches are needed to handle them.

    Vestlandsforsking specializes in the utilising of big data and semantic science for data integration, analysis and process management.

  • The Norwegian conference on payments, Betalingsformidling 2014, was arranged in Trondheim 4. and 5. of March and researcher Svein Ølnes was invited to speak about Bitcoin.

  • Bitcoin kan visa seg å bli ein alvorleg utfordrar til dei dominerande betalingssystema på nettet i dag. Det bør interessera både myndigheiter og finansinstitusjonar, skriv Svein Ølnes i ein kronikk på nettsida